Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gevent+Psycopg2 = execute cannot be used while an asynchronous query is underway

I am using a stack composed of, among others, Django + Gevent + Gunicorn + psycopg2 (greened with
Until recently, I was occasionally getting the following errors, if I rapidly reloaded our application that generates a couple of ajax calls on the startup:
ProgrammingError: execute cannot be used while an asynchronous query is underway
DatabaseError: execute cannot be used while an asynchronous query is underway
After getting the following versions:
Django 1.4 b1
Gunicorn 0.14
Gevent 0.13.6
psycopg2 2.4.4
And greening psycopg2 pre_fork like this (in the Gunicorn config):
worker_class = "gevent"
def def_pre_fork(server, worker):
    from psyco_gevent import make_psycopg_green
    make_psycopg_green()"Made Psycopg Green")
pre_fork = def_pre_fork
And using the gunicorn_django in a virtualenv to run the server from supervisor (instead of the shortcut):
command=/path/bin/gunicorn_django -c /path/conf/
I was not able to reproduce the problem any more.


  1. Could this be related to threading? The runserver command in Django 1.4 (maybe past releases as well, I'm not sure) has a --nothreading command. Did you try the runserver with this?

    Also curious if you're using werkzeug and if that causes any unintended effects when debugging a "green" server.
